Cape Town, 27 AUGUST 2024– It has been a week since the second oil spill occurred after the MV Ultra Galaxy sustained further damage in rough seas. We are relieved to report that no oiled wildlife has been recovered, and there have been no reports of affected seabirds in the area.
Whilst the situation appears to be stabilising, oil deposits can wash up for several days after an oil spill incident. As such, SANCCOB remains on standby and will continue to do so until there are no further signs of oil pollution. The temporary stabilisation facility in Lambert’s Bay, managed by CapeNature, is stocked and prepared to provide immediate care, if necessary.
The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) has announced that salvage operations will be scaled down, focusing now on the monitoring of the wreck’s condition. SAMSA will maintain daily reporting that includes drone footage, monitoring of the wreck’s movement, and early warnings for any residual pockets of oil trapped within the hull. This vigilant approach ensures that any potential environmental impact is promptly addressed.
We extend our gratitude to the public and our partners for their ongoing vigilance and support. Sightings of oiled birds should be reported to SANCCOB Cape Town at 021 557 6155 or 078 638 3731. We ask the public to avoid handling affected birds and instead report them to our facility for expert intervention.
SANCCOB will continue to provide updates as the situation evolves and remains committed to working with SAMSA, CapeNature, and other stakeholders to safeguard our coastal environment