SANCCOB Participates at the 10th Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF) Conference in Lomé, Togo. 

SANCCOB’s Preparedness & Response Manager, Monica Stassen attended the 10th GI WACAF regional conference held in Lomé, Togo from the 25th – 28th of November 2024. Monica participated as a co-facilitator during the conference, guiding key discussions and co-presenting a mini workshop on wildlife response as part of a broader tabletop exercise.  

The Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF) was launched in 2006 as a collaborative project between the International Maritime Organisation and IPIECA to enhance the capabilities of countries in West, Central and Southern Africa to prepare and respond to oil spills.  

The GI WACAF conference is held every two years, which brings together government representatives from 22 partner countries in West, Central and Southern Africa to review progress on oil spill preparedness and response in the region, share knowledge and experiences and facilitate discussions around key topics.

SANCCOB’s longstanding history in oiled wildlife response features as an important partner in the GI WACAF project and has worked closely with the GI WACAF project on several oiled wildlife response projects and look forward to future collaborations as we aim to improve oiled wildlife preparedness and response in the region.