National Wills Week: 17-21 September

During National Wills Week from 17 to 21 September 2018, you can get a basic Will drafted free of charge at participating attorneys nationwide. It’s a wonderful opportunity to plan your future and safeguard your loved ones at no cost.

But did you know that one sentence in your Will could also help save an endangered species like the African penguin?

Leaving a legacy to a charitable organisation is a popular tradition among people of vision, and may be something you could consider as you have your Will drawn up. A bequest to SANCCOB is an effective way of ensuring that our children live in a world inhabited by iconic species such as the African penguin.

Bequests of money and possessions such as a motor vehicle, real estate, antiques, jewellery and artworks can all be put to great use in helping to conserve our precious seabird species – as can a percentage of your estate, the residue [what’s left after all your other beneficiaries have received their share] or the proceeds of a Life Assurance Policy.

Charitable bequests to SANCCOB are tax deductible and will result in a reduction in estate duty. Please discuss the legal aspects with the attorney drawing up your Will. Our full legal name is The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB).

Although your Will is a private matter, if you do decide to make a bequest to SANCCOB, we’d really appreciate it if you’d let us know – so we may thank you for your generosity and plan with you how your gift will be used.

Please contact 021 557 6155 or email