SANCCOB’s seabird rehabilitation centres provide a 24-hour rescue service for seabirds in need, treating approximately 2,000 seabirds annually during a non-crisis year. SANCCOB is recognised as world leaders in the field of seabird rehabilitation, owing to the large number of seabirds treated and the complexity of seabird responses.  

Reports of seabirds requiring assistance may come directly from the public or from management authorities based at seabird colonies. SANCCOB works closely with SANParks, CapeNature, City of Cape Town and Robben Island Museum to ensure that seabirds are monitored, and conservation interventions implemented, if needed. A well-developed first responder network strategically positioned along the coastline assists with rapid response for seabirds that require our help; this may include trauma-related injuries, emaciation, oil pollution, general poor condition or abandonment. First responders are trained in the safe capture of seabirds and the initial stabilisation prior to transport to SANCCOB’s seabird hospitals.