Show some penguin love this Valentine’s Day

Show some penguin love this Valentine’s Day

Penguins mate for life and are a universal symbol of true and lasting love. But even penguins could use a little extra love. In South Africa, less than 2% of the endangered African penguin population remains in the wild.

This Valentine’s month, you can adopt two penguins for the price of one from SANCCOB (the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds) and help to save African penguins from extinction. For only R600 ($37/€34), you can say ‘I love you’ to that someone special by naming and adopting two penguins rehabilitated at SANCCOB. You will receive two adoptions packs including pictures of the two adopted penguins, certificates of adoption and other penguin goodies. Alternatively, if couple names are your thing you can choose our new ‘Name your penguin couple’ adoption, come up with your unique couple name and receive a special adoption pack including two fluffy penguin keyrings for you and your sweetheart for R750 ($47/€43). Think Brangelina, Bennifer or Kimye.

Alternatively, simply sponsor a romantic Valentine’s Day meal for one of our resident lovebird pairs for only R300 ($18/€16).

To get your special Valentine’s pair winging its way to you or to donate a fishy Valentine’s meal, please click here.

You can choose our new ‘green adoption options’ and have it delivered right to your email box or choose delivery via the post office (delivery is 10 workings days within South Africa and 14 workings days internationally). Hurry as this special promotion is only valid until 28 February 2016.